Saturday, May 7

Benefits For a Single Parent

I'm a single parent.  But not your usual single parent, as the fathers of both of my children have absolutely nothing to do with the children that they've fathered.  And so most days the I focus on the benefits even when the disadvantages see to rear their head at every turn.  

But I realized this morning, while shaving the legs I'd been avoid since new years day, that I totally have a benfit I didn't consider before.  I don't have to worry about Father's day. I don't have to go try and get the kids to let me 'help' them either pick out a stinkin present or make/customize a present.  Which I totally love.  

Random bonus, because I don't have a partner (significant other, friend with benefits, etc.) and both kids are young, I get an excuse to buy myself something. Which I will be deciding on at some point this week. 

I'll leave you with some cute pictures from Thursday afternoon when the weather as just so darn agreeable. 







1 comment:

  1. Reading your story just touched me. Really its like a very touching one for me. I am too a single mother child and she has done every thing that she can do to make me happy and fulfill all my needs and dreams and because of her I am here.
