Sunday, January 16

SOC Sunday.... Finally

I've been meaning to do this for about 2 months, since I first saw some other bloggers Stream Of Consciousness Sunday buttons and posts.  And finally I think I'm going to be able to write one.. maybe just maybe if Cat will sit still for about 6 minutes.

It's Sunday and I've totally screwed up my Blog Dare for 2011. I should have known that it was too much for me, still be kinda new to the whole 2 baby single mom thing.  And working day shift, and dealing with my other issues. 

But its okay... I'm not going to get down.  Besides this week is a week of wonderful! Cat is going to start Daycare!! And that means (hopefully) a better Cat!!!  Maybe I'll be able to change her nickname.. I doubt it, but a mom can hope. 

In addition to all of that funness there's the whole writing a break up letter to my dad.  Which has all these other things tied up in it.  And while I want to write about it, and kinda already said I would.  I'm not sure if anyone wants to read all about the way I got so screwed up.. And how I'm dealing with it.   But I'll probably post it, because first and foremost this blog is for me.  (And to save the sanity of my family, they get tired of hearing my crap.)

 Ugh.. Ohm..  I'm so tired, and so invigorated.  There's this amazing change I can't wait to be able to post about, but it's still a couple months in the works.  And I can't say anything, because we haven't told anyone really outside of our immediate family.  And when the rest of the world knows, all hell could break loose for a little bit...

And that was the HARDEST 5 minutes of writing, ever.


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